Hey everyone,
We have been getting A LOT of positive feedback since this blog started and we truly thank you for that. We will do our best to stay updated on future shows and things like that. Also, if you have or have tried to publish a comment and it does not show up-- do not worry! The F-Word Ladies have decided that we will monitor comments left before publishing them for everyone else to see. This is because we do not want down right hateful comments or attacks. If someone does disagree with us and we find the comment appropriate in language we will still publish it. As you know our readers are vast and different and everyone has a voice here.
So continue to check back and follow us on our Twitter account or join our Facebook page here. Lastly tell us anything you like and send it to thefwordladies@gmail.com!
-The F-Word Ladies
(ʄ wərd) n: 1a: a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use; primarily using speech patterns starting with the letter 'f' ie (fun, flirty, fat, fetching, feathery, feline, fashion, feminist); 1b: a group of badass ladies and gents expressing themselves through art; 2a: all you sexy people out there with brilliant thoughts, memories and/or ideas to share in a community building.
F-Word Merchandise!!!
As this is my first post here on the F-Word blog, I figure that I should introduce myself:
My name is Arianna, and I am a rising senior (!) here at OU, with a sociology major and women's and gender studies certificate. I blog about gender, human sexuality, and sex education (read: my minor obsession) here, although I haven't touched my blog in a while--hoping to change that soon. I speak Chinese. I enjoy Pilates. I absolutely adore penguins. I'm filled to the brim with stories...I'm sure you'll hear many of them soon!
Okay, so I had a fundraising idea for us Ladies and Gents: shirts! I decided to make a design that would look really good on us, as well as on other people who might want to buy our shirts. Even if others don't, it still might be cool for us to have our own brand to be visible on campus.
I tried a few different designs, and the design below was the best looking that I considered. On the front, there are a variety of f-words covering the entire front of the shirt, seam to seam, top to bottom. These words are colored just slightly darker than the color of the shirt, so that they form a background, but one must get closer to see each individual word. The pictures below are just for a white version; technically, the design could work on any color (I was thinking red). For the important headline text, I have four different fonts, as shown below.
I used my handy-dandy "print screen" button and paint program to make the following pictures, which I created in Word (hence the little squigglies under a few words on the left, and the cursor on the left on option 4- neither of those are part of the design.) Here are the options so far:
Option 1: Block Type (click for close-up)
Option 2: Handwritten Type (click for close-up)

Option 3: Scribble Type (click for close-up)

Option 4: Typewriter Type (click for close-up)

Other ideas:
My name is Arianna, and I am a rising senior (!) here at OU, with a sociology major and women's and gender studies certificate. I blog about gender, human sexuality, and sex education (read: my minor obsession) here, although I haven't touched my blog in a while--hoping to change that soon. I speak Chinese. I enjoy Pilates. I absolutely adore penguins. I'm filled to the brim with stories...I'm sure you'll hear many of them soon!
Okay, so I had a fundraising idea for us Ladies and Gents: shirts! I decided to make a design that would look really good on us, as well as on other people who might want to buy our shirts. Even if others don't, it still might be cool for us to have our own brand to be visible on campus.
I tried a few different designs, and the design below was the best looking that I considered. On the front, there are a variety of f-words covering the entire front of the shirt, seam to seam, top to bottom. These words are colored just slightly darker than the color of the shirt, so that they form a background, but one must get closer to see each individual word. The pictures below are just for a white version; technically, the design could work on any color (I was thinking red). For the important headline text, I have four different fonts, as shown below.
I used my handy-dandy "print screen" button and paint program to make the following pictures, which I created in Word (hence the little squigglies under a few words on the left, and the cursor on the left on option 4- neither of those are part of the design.) Here are the options so far:
Option 1: Block Type (click for close-up)
Option 2: Handwritten Type (click for close-up)

Option 3: Scribble Type (click for close-up)

Option 4: Typewriter Type (click for close-up)

Other ideas:
- Going local: Getting them printed at places in Athens
- Going organic: Organic shirts, social responsibility style?
- V-Necks: they look good on everybody
Monsoon written by Glenna Brucken
UPDATE: Glenna performed this exact experience with The F-Word Ladies show: Story Time with F-word. To see Glenna perform this piece check out the Youtube video here.
Sonja has inspired me to share the story of my very first period. I wonder who will end up reading this. Like most of my work, half of me hopes that no one will ever read this. And the other half really hopes that everyone will read this.
I've always been a very slow person. Slow to wake up in the morning, slow to get out of the car, a slow runner, a slow reader, a slow eater. It only makes sense that I was a "late bloomer." I found the startling smear of reddish brown in my underwear at the age of fifteen years, five months, and twenty nine days; just one day shy of being exactly fifteen and a half.
That night, I mistook my menstrual cramps for the need to poop. Upon seeing the unfamiliarity on the toilet paper in my hand, I burst in to song.
No one was as excited as I was. If only I'd known what the next eight days had in store. That's right-- my first period lasted eight days. EIGHT FLIPPING DAYS!
With the heaviness of my flow, I couldn't ignore the convenience of a tampon. That's not to say I wasn't totally freaked out to use it, demanding that my older sister aid me on the other side of the bathroom door. She was a pro, having gotten hers at the age of twelve. It wasn't putting it in that scared me (although it was almost six months later during my second period when I discovered I'd been putting it in wrong... so THAT'S why it was so uncomfortable) but rather pulling it out. I had horrific images in my head of the white cotton absorbing the monsoon that had formed in my uterus and swelling to the size of a baseball. I wasn't ready to pull a baseball out of my vagina! However, once I had worked up the courage to just yank it out, through my tears I could see that it was nothing more than what Sonja brilliantly describes as a "dead mouse." I had never been so relieved to see such a gruesome sight.
Unfortunately, even the toughest of tampons couldn't help me through this week of hell. To this day, I do not wish this experience upon anyone-- even my worst enemies. Within one hour, I could soak through a maxi pad AND a maxi tampon. I distinctly remember shifting in my seat in geometry sophomore year, and being able to feel the warmth slip out past the tampon and in to my pad. In the same day, I was in the bathroom after school, trying to clean up before play practice, a rather involved and lengthy task. As soon as I'd finally finished cleaning myself up in preparation to insert my last tampon, a huge clot of blood plopped in to the toilet, settling in the bottom and revealing itself to be about the same size as a china saucer.
I lost it.
Sobbing, I called my sister Charlotte, and she picked me up from school. I can't remember if she later returned me to practice. But that night, my mother insisted on taking me to the emergency room. She was convinced that I was losing an unhealthy amount of blood. I was all for it until she informed me that a resident might have to do an examination. Even though I started crying when she told me this, to the emergency room we went.
After a night with a needle happy, blood thirsty, yet very jovial phlebotomist and NO examination (phew!) I returned home with the doctor's order to take the following day off. I was glad to do so, considering I was literally sore just from all the times I'd twisted around to get toilet paper while on the toilet. I finished out the week and my second period was not to come for another six months.
Now, almost five years later, my period is no where near this horrific. As to why it was so incredibly heavy the first time, I still don't know for sure. But as for bursting in to Chaka Kahn's 1978 hit for that special time of the month? Well... that's hardly changed.
Be sure to check out Sonja's first period experience here. Also submit your own stories to The F-Word Ladies at thefwordladies@gmail.com
Sonja has inspired me to share the story of my very first period. I wonder who will end up reading this. Like most of my work, half of me hopes that no one will ever read this. And the other half really hopes that everyone will read this.
I've always been a very slow person. Slow to wake up in the morning, slow to get out of the car, a slow runner, a slow reader, a slow eater. It only makes sense that I was a "late bloomer." I found the startling smear of reddish brown in my underwear at the age of fifteen years, five months, and twenty nine days; just one day shy of being exactly fifteen and a half.
That night, I mistook my menstrual cramps for the need to poop. Upon seeing the unfamiliarity on the toilet paper in my hand, I burst in to song.
No one was as excited as I was. If only I'd known what the next eight days had in store. That's right-- my first period lasted eight days. EIGHT FLIPPING DAYS!
With the heaviness of my flow, I couldn't ignore the convenience of a tampon. That's not to say I wasn't totally freaked out to use it, demanding that my older sister aid me on the other side of the bathroom door. She was a pro, having gotten hers at the age of twelve. It wasn't putting it in that scared me (although it was almost six months later during my second period when I discovered I'd been putting it in wrong... so THAT'S why it was so uncomfortable) but rather pulling it out. I had horrific images in my head of the white cotton absorbing the monsoon that had formed in my uterus and swelling to the size of a baseball. I wasn't ready to pull a baseball out of my vagina! However, once I had worked up the courage to just yank it out, through my tears I could see that it was nothing more than what Sonja brilliantly describes as a "dead mouse." I had never been so relieved to see such a gruesome sight.
Unfortunately, even the toughest of tampons couldn't help me through this week of hell. To this day, I do not wish this experience upon anyone-- even my worst enemies. Within one hour, I could soak through a maxi pad AND a maxi tampon. I distinctly remember shifting in my seat in geometry sophomore year, and being able to feel the warmth slip out past the tampon and in to my pad. In the same day, I was in the bathroom after school, trying to clean up before play practice, a rather involved and lengthy task. As soon as I'd finally finished cleaning myself up in preparation to insert my last tampon, a huge clot of blood plopped in to the toilet, settling in the bottom and revealing itself to be about the same size as a china saucer.
I lost it.
Sobbing, I called my sister Charlotte, and she picked me up from school. I can't remember if she later returned me to practice. But that night, my mother insisted on taking me to the emergency room. She was convinced that I was losing an unhealthy amount of blood. I was all for it until she informed me that a resident might have to do an examination. Even though I started crying when she told me this, to the emergency room we went.
After a night with a needle happy, blood thirsty, yet very jovial phlebotomist and NO examination (phew!) I returned home with the doctor's order to take the following day off. I was glad to do so, considering I was literally sore just from all the times I'd twisted around to get toilet paper while on the toilet. I finished out the week and my second period was not to come for another six months.
Now, almost five years later, my period is no where near this horrific. As to why it was so incredibly heavy the first time, I still don't know for sure. But as for bursting in to Chaka Kahn's 1978 hit for that special time of the month? Well... that's hardly changed.
Be sure to check out Sonja's first period experience here. Also submit your own stories to The F-Word Ladies at thefwordladies@gmail.com
F-Word Service Project
In relation to the last post, The F-Word Ladies still need ideas on a service project. There were some ideas about The Ladies heading to New Orleans or somewhere closer to home-- Cincinnati being the other.
Also at last years spring quarter meeting two potential (well not really they have been determined) themes for next fall quarter were brought to a vote. One being a show about Childhood and the other one being about Confessions (a sort of Post Secret esque show). Details on that theme have yet to be determined.
And as a generic last note-- START THINKING! Once you do that submit your ideas to either the Facebook page or to our lovely gmail e-mail ----> thefwordladies@gmail.com
-The F-Word Ladies
Also at last years spring quarter meeting two potential (well not really they have been determined) themes for next fall quarter were brought to a vote. One being a show about Childhood and the other one being about Confessions (a sort of Post Secret esque show). Details on that theme have yet to be determined.
And as a generic last note-- START THINKING! Once you do that submit your ideas to either the Facebook page or to our lovely gmail e-mail ----> thefwordladies@gmail.com
-The F-Word Ladies
The F-Word Ladies Welcome You--
Hello interwebs!
Currently we are in the process of raising money for our upcoming performances in the fall. Members have started F-Word Jars. Every time we say an F-Word (any swear pretty much) we place a whole .25 cents into the jar! We've also added no swears in text messages. Most of us are already $10 bucks in the hole.
Stay in touch for more updates.
Edit: Also check out our Youtube channel (scroll below)! We only have our Winter quarter performance up. We are currently working on getting our spring show up as well.
-The F-Word Ladies
Currently we are in the process of raising money for our upcoming performances in the fall. Members have started F-Word Jars. Every time we say an F-Word (any swear pretty much) we place a whole .25 cents into the jar! We've also added no swears in text messages. Most of us are already $10 bucks in the hole.
Stay in touch for more updates.
Edit: Also check out our Youtube channel (scroll below)! We only have our Winter quarter performance up. We are currently working on getting our spring show up as well.
-The F-Word Ladies
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